Professional Advisors Circle
The Community Foundation relies on the donated expertise of allied professionals such as lawyers, accountants and financial planners in developing complex gifts and providing donors with maximum tax relief. They serve as a resource for and champion of local philanthropy.
Roy Anderson, Investment Planning Counsel
Mark Arbique, Fortey & Arbique
Fred Bowie, Canada Retirement Information Centre
John Bull, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
T. David Burns, David Burns & Associates
Lesley Cameron, Cameron & Rankin
Kevin Charlebois, SoundVest Capital Management Ltd.
John Clarke, Bell Baker LLP
David Crawford, ScotiaMcLeod
Pamela Cross, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
Richard Dionne, Clarica Financial Services
Seymour P. Eisenberg, P. B. Fraser & Associates
Ken Guarisco, Carleton Financial Services
K. Thomas Grozinger, Royal Trust Corporation of Canada
James Hamilton, CAPCORP Planning Limited
Thomas A. Houston, Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP
Bruce Jardine, Independent Planning Group
John Johnson, Nelligan O’Brien Payne LLP
Ray Joseph, Connor Clark & Lunn Private Capital Ltd.
Scott Kendall, TD Waterhouse
Laura Kerr, Estates Law Practice
Laurie Lord, TD Waterhouse Private Client Services
Patricia MacCallum-Lord, RBC Estate and Trust Services
Robert MacKenzie, Professional Investments Inc.
Rosemary Macklem, KPMG LLP
Meiz Majdoub, Majdoub Financial Services
Jim McConnery, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Anthony P. McGlynn, Perley-Robertson, Hill & McDougall LLP
Jim McIntyre, McIntyre & Associates Professional Corporation
Jeffrey Miller, Ginsberg, Gluzman, Fage & Levitz
Michael Mott, Retirement, Estate and Investment Planning
E. Jane Murray, Burke-Robertson, Barristers & Solicitors LLP
Gerry Myers, Professionals for Independent Planning
Michael Nichol, CIBC Wood Gundy
Gail Nicholls, MacDonald, Affleck
Lorraine O’Keefe, Scotiatrust
George Perrin, George E. Perrin Insurance Agency Ltd.
Joseph Power, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Gary Renaud, Dundee Securities Corporation
Alan Riccardi, HSBC Bank Canada
Bob Richer, CAPCORP Planning Limited
P. J. Robertson, R G Packman & Associates Limited
Mike Rowland, Potvin, Rowland Financial Services Inc.
Susan St. Amand, Sirius Financial Services
Paul B. St. Louis, P.J. Doherty & Associates
Natalie Sanna, Neff Law Office
Claudia Schwittay, Scotia Private Client Group
Trevor Shannon, BMO Nesbitt Burns
Dan Slattery, Freedom 55 Financial
Jennifer Spallin, Canaccord Capital Corporation
Garry Stearns, Sun Life Financial
Ian Sterling, P.J. Doherty & Associates
Bob Strachan, BMO Nesbitt Burns
Ken Tammadge, Collins Barrow Ottawa LLP