What’s really important is not what’s wrong, but what is right… No community was ever built on the needs and problems of its people. It has always been built on their gifts and capacities, and the use of the assets that are there…
—Professor John L. McKnight, Director of Community Studies,
Northwestern University, Illinois
Through its grantmaking programs, the Community Foundation of Ottawa is committed to seeding, nurturing, supporting and strengthening our community. Grants are made to not-for-profit organizations in all sectors that are recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency as registered charities.
The Community Foundation of Ottawa provides funding through the Community Grants Program. The Community Foundation also administers a grants program for The Ottawa Citizen Literacy Foundation.
Grantmaking Process
The Community Foundation solicits and accepts grant applications from organizations that meet its funding guidelines. These grants are supported by the generosity of donors who have directed their funds to unrestricted purposes or to a broad field of interest. Grants may also be selected for funding by one or more donors.
In making its grantmaking decisions, the Community Foundation relies on the expert advice of a Grants Committee, which is made up of volunteers who are knowledgeable about local issues and are guided by the funding priorities and guidelines.
Community Foundation staff are available to discuss project ideas and related details, including multi-year funding requests, prior to your submitting an application.
Application Deadlines:
Community Grants Program: Feb. 1 and Oct. 1
The Ottawa Citizen Literacy Foundation: Oct. 1
A limited amount of financial assistance is available for emergencies which may occur outside these deadlines.
Click on the following links to see previously-funded projects.
- Grants and Disbursements 2010
- Grants and Disbursements 2009
- Grants and Disbursements 2008
- Grants and Disbursements 2007
- Grants and Disbursements 2006