We wish to acknowledge donors who have advised the Community Foundation of Ottawa that they are planning to leave a future gift through their estates.

Gifts in a will are the most common way that individuals provide for a future gift to the Community Foundation of Ottawa. The Foundation works with many lawyers and notaries to ensure that the wording used in the will is appropriate to carry out the donor’s wishes.

The gift of a life insurance policy can be a convenient way to make a substantial charitable gift for a relatively modest annual cost. Donors can use a paid-up policy they no longer need, or purchase a new policy. Donors may assign ownership of the policy to the Community Foundation of Ottawa for tax savings today, or simply change the policy’s beneficiary to defer this benefit to their estate.

An individual can donate all or a portion of an RRSP or RRIF during their lifetime with no tax consequences. The Foundation may also be made a beneficiary of the RRSP or RRIF, which the Foundation will receive upon an individual’s death.

Deferred gifts established in 2011 are listed in bold.

Deferred Gifts List